American Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral

One of the highlights of the year is our participation in the American Thanksgiving Day Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy.

More than 2,000 Americans gather at St. Paul’s to celebrate Thanksgiving with music, words of welcome from the U.S. Ambassador, preaching, and prayers of gratitude.

The clergy of AIC and the International Community Church in Surrey take turns preaching for the service. Our choir, led by Scott Stroman, leads the music, emphasizing African-American spirituals and American hymn tunes. Singers are welcome to join just for this special occasion, attending rehearsals in November in preparation.

The service is free and open to the public, and happens every year on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday of November, at 11:00am at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Thanksgiving Luncheon

On the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving, we organise a bring-and-share Thanksgiving lunch. The church provides turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and you bring a dish of your favourite side or dessert to share.

Check our What’s On page in November for details.

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