Your whole self matters to God and to us.

Welcome and hospitality, inclusion and diversity are core to our understanding of the way of Jesus and our identity as an international congregation. The Welcome Statement below was drafted in 2022 by a group of church members and approved by the entire congregation.

You are welcome here.

You can belong here, without exception or condition.
Your whole self matters to God and to us.

The American International Church is a community of many races, languages, cultures, faith traditions, nationalities, ages, genders, abilities, financial circumstances, and
 sexual identities.

Following Jesus, we work to be inclusive, accessible,
and open to all.

Here you can…

form friendships

serve others

search for truth and meaning

work for justice

cultivate compassion

find forgiveness

share grace

grow in faith

and in all things, discover God’s love.

You can join in a little or a lot, for a day or a lifetime, with abundant faith and abundant doubt.

You are welcome here.

Get in touch

We would love to connect and welcome you
to become a part of our community.