Our Leadership

Rev. Jennifer Mills-Knutsen

Senior Minister

Jennifer has served at AIC as Senior Minister since 2016. Her ministry focuses on worship and preaching, leadership, communication and vision. She is passionate about finding ways to connect with people seeking meaning, community, hope, and deeper conversation about the things that really matter, because she believes that God and church have wisdom to offer.

Rev. Jared Jaggers

Associate Minister

Jared came to AIC in early 2020. His ministry focuses on the belief that growing and developing in faith continually transforms us as individuals as well as making the world around us a more just and peaceful place. His work extends beyond Sunday morning to spiritually engage with the communities around AIC.

Scott Stroman

Director of Worship and Music

Scott is a uniquely broad musician, equally proficient in classical, jazz, and world music. He is a conductor of various choirs and orchestras across London and Europe, a prolific and flexible composer, a singer, and a respected educator. Born in Kendallville, Indiana, he has lived in London since 1982.

Brooke Rowan

Community Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator

Brooke came to AIC in 2023. She oversees the Cold Weather Shelter, Refugee Befriending partnerships, environmental initiatives, and she networks with our other neighbourhood and community partners. Brooke’s background is in social work and she is passionate about bringing people together from international and diverse backgrounds to engage in meaningful community and work for justice together.

Chris Omaweng

Church Administrator

Chris came to AIC in 2021 with a wide array of administrative experience in multiple industries. As Church Administrator, he oversees everything from tracking income and expenses to publishing the bulletin to filing compliance reports and supporting Latchcourt clients. In his spare time, Chris is a theatre reviewer in the West End and beyond.

Monty Strikes

Business Manager

Monty is the Business Manager of the American International Church, juggling TV and theatre clients along with church folk and our busy international food market on Tottenham Court Road. Although he drives a desk, he does get his hands dirty occasionally. Feel free to ask what he can do for you.

Church Council

Our Council members are elected by the full membership of AIC, and serve as volunteers for a three year term.

Elodie Lasserre, President

Michelle Miller, Secretary

Serge Ramin, Treasurer

Oliver Lewis, Assistant Treasurer

Helene Donnelly, Membership & Outreach

Tangy Morgan, At Large

Preethi John, People & Staffing

Jake Penny, Welcome & Inclusion

Get in touch

We would love to connect and welcome you
to become a part of our community.